Bradford County
Library Board
Bradford County Library Board shall provide public library service in Bradford County. The board shall consist of seven members who shall serve for a term of three years each, or the balance of the unexpired term, as the case may be. These directors shall be appointed by the Bradford County Commissioners. No more than three directors shall be appointed in a single year, except as vacancies occur. No director shall serve for more than three consecutive terms. Monthly meetings of the board shall be at such time as the board may determine at any preceding regular meeting, except as hereinafter stated. All meetings are open to the public and shall be advertised. Officers of the board shall consist of president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, all of whom shall be elected from the board of directors for a term of one year.
For more information on the Bradford County Library, please use the following:
Phone: (570) 297-2436
Click here for the Bradford County Library Website (opens a new window)
Meetings Times & Dates
When: Second Thursday of odd number of months at 1 PM
Board Members
President- Marguerite Shaner
Vice President – Lynda Warner
Treasurer – Vacant
Secretary – Mary Beth Voda
Hugh Austin
Cynthia Porter
Carol Lane