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Contact Info

218 Main Street

Towanda, PA 18848

Debra Sharp, Director

Phone: (570) 265-1760 / (800) 326-8432

Fax: (570) 265-7066

Email: sharpd@BradfordCountyPA.gov





Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

If you suspect or have knowledge of abuse or neglect, call Childline 24/7/365 at 1-800-932-0313


If you are witnessing abuse or neglect
Call 911 Immediately!


Department Description


Bradford County Children and Youth Services (BCCYS) is dedicated to the Safety, Permanency and Well-being of children and families.   Using child centered, family focused approaches, BCCYS will promote meaningful family engagement and ongoing involvement, community outreach, and best practices for prevention and intervention that will reduce trauma and begin to heal children and families.




Protect children in their own homes.  If that is not possible, children will be protected in the least restrictive environment nearest their home for the shortest period of time.


Children have the right to a permanent, safe home.  If it cannot be their home of origin, the agency will rely on the core elements of the Family Engagement Initiative (FEI): Family Finding – Revised, Crisis/Rapid Response Family Meetings, and Enhanced Legal Representation to place children with family/kin or another appropriate alternative, if necessary.


The agency will make efforts to improve the quality of life for the children and families of Bradford County.

Bradford County CYS complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. 

Bradford County Children & Youth Advisory Board Meetings are held bi-monthly on even months at 12 p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church, 1 Main Street, Towanda, PA.  On occasion the meeting location may change.  Please call the office at least one day in advance at (570) 265-1760 to confirm the location if you plan to attend.

Additional information about the Advisory Board as well as meeting dates can be accessed by clicking