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Housing Specialist

Contact Information

220 Main Street, Unit 1

Towanda, PA  18848

(located on 2nd floor, parking lot level)

Mary Sturdevant, BA, EMT-B

Email: bchousing@BradfordCountyPA.gov

Phone:  (570) 265-1760

Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/bradfordcountyhousing

Hours of Operation:

Monday through Friday

8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.*


Bradford County Human Services is an access site for 211 intakes.  To schedule a telephone intake, please call (570) 265-1760, 211 directly, or toll free (855) 567-5341.


Department Description:

  • Connecting people with resources to assist with housing stability needs
  • Coordinated entry (211) access site
  • Community outreach
  • Landlord/Tenancy Rights & Responsibilities
  • Manages the BHARP contingency funds to assist with innovative housing needs not met by other grants or services
  • Manages the Housing/Homeless Assistance Program, PHARE funds, and other grants as appropriate (these funds are administered through the HAP program, which is located inside the drop in center at the Main Link’s Towanda campus.

Boards & Committees:

Local Housing Options Team (LHOT)

Criminal Justice Advisory Board (CJAB)

Regional Housing Advisory Board (RHAB)

Bradford County Housing Initiative (BCHI)

Building Outreach Opportunities, Inc.

The Local Housing Options Team (LHOT) is a group of local stakeholders consisting of landlords, public housing officials, social service agencies, and tenants who have a vested interest in addressing the housing needs of Bradford & Sullivan county residents.  The meetings are held the last Tuesday, every other month from 2-3 p.m. in the large conference room at Bradford County Human Services.


Individuals who are interested in attending should RSVP by contacting the Mental Health Secretary at: mhsecretary@BradfordCountyPA.gov



2025 Meeting Schedule

Feb. 25

April 29

June 24

August 26

October 28

November – special PIT count meeting TBA

December 30


211 is a toll free number connecting the community to health and human services.


Bradford County Human Services has moved all emergency shelter programs to the Housing/Homeless Assistance Program, located inside the Main Link’s Towanda office (17 Pine Street, Towanda).

NOTE:  HAP assistance is NOT available through the Sayre Main Link Drop in Center.  Please use the number below to contact the HAP program.  

Crisis Housing assistance may be available to eligible households in need of the following (certain rules and restrictions may apply):

  • emergency shelter (only when the local homeless shelter does not have beds available)
  • crisis rental assistance to prevent a court ordered eviction from occurring
  • crisis utility assistance to prevent a disconnection from occurring
  • re-entry assistance for incarcerated individuals upon referral by the jail or prison

The Housing/Homeless Assistance Program can be reached by calling or texting  (570) 637-8789 Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.  They are closed most major holidays.



*To ensure housing stability, it is this agency’s policy that households may be required to work with other agencies as a condition of receiving assistance.

Please click HERE for a listing of local resources that may be able to assist with housing stability and other related needs.

Individuals who are homeless and do not have a sheltered place to stay tonight should contact coordinated entry immediately to be placed on the waitlist for shelter referrals and rental assistance.  There are three ways to contact coordinated entry:

  • Call 211 or toll free (855) 567-5341 (evening and Saturday hours are available)
  • Text your zip code to 898211
  • Call Human Services during normal business hours at (570) 265-1760 and ask to speak to the housing specialist


In addition, displaced families with children under the age of 18 in need of emergency shelter may contact the on call Children & Youth caseworker 24/7 by calling (570) 265-1760, option 1.
