Housing Authority
The Bradford County Housing Authority was formed September, 1969 under the Board of County Commissioners. They were authorized to do so by the Commonwealth under the Pennsylvania Housing Authority Law of 1937 (35 P.S. 1541). The county commissioners enacted resolutions pursuant to these laws declaring a need for the authority locally, and appointing a five-person board to govern its affairs. The purpose of the board is to oversee the operations of the public housing facilities and programs and the housing choice voucher program for the benefit of Bradford County.
For more information about the Tioga-Bradford Counties Housing Authority and the services they offer, please see the following:
Phone: (570) 638-2151
Click here to access the Housing Authority website.
Meetings Times & Dates
Update meeting Times and Dates as follows: The Bradford County Housing Authority Board of Directors meets usually on the last Tuesday of each month at the Riverstone Inn in Wysox
Board Members
Ray DePaola
William Farley Chairman
Roger Graham Vice-Chair
Janenne Goliash
Richard Henry
Patrick J. Barrett Attorney