Northern Tier Solid Waste Authority
The Northern Tier Solid Waste Authority (NTSWA ) is a three-county solid waste authority created by the counties of Bradford, Sullivan and Tioga in 1973. It is the only multi-county solid waste authority in Pennsylvania. The NTSWA’s mission is to provide fiscally sound and environmentally safe solid waste management programs and facilities for the citizens, commercial and industrial entities in the three counties. The NTSWA operates two PADEP permitted landfills, two solid waste transfer stations, two recycling processing and marketing facilities, a multitude of recycling collection programs, a waste tire processing facility, waste wood grinding and composting, individual subscription “pay as you throw waste collection,” contracted waste collection, commercial container service, roll-off container service and collection, a hydroponics greenhouse and a number of other waste management programs. The NTSWA operates on a user fee system: there is no local, state or federal tax monies used in the system’s operation. The NTSWA’s only capital and operation funds are gained through sales of services provided. The NTSWA has received numerous national awards over the years including the best utilization of landfill gas (greenhouse) in North America (2008), the best integrated solid waste system management system in North America (2001 and 2005) etc. The NTSWA is represented by three board members from each county appointed by the respective county to these volunteer non-paid positions for five year terms. Many board members have been so for multi-terms.
Meetings Times & Dates
When: Third Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM
Board Members
Alston Teeter
Andrew Hickey
Jen Malehorn